Creation of websites, e-commerce,
and all solutions at low cost
Privileged partner of independents
and SMEs
Specific solutions for restaurateurs,
healthcare practices, real estate agencies
Bank payment
Payment by scan (QR-bill – amount you can enter)
Manual entry :
Beneficiary: Pierre-Yves Mathys
Npa Locality: 20150 Chon Buri – Thailand
Iban: CH89 0878 1000 2403 8500 0
Bank: SwissQuote Bank in Gland (VD), Bic/Swift: SWQBCHZZxxx
Payment in Euros:
Bic/Swift: REVOLT21
Iban: LT49 3250 0109 2454 1640
Name of beneficiary: Pierre-Yves Mathys
Address: Sté Marguerite 5, 1950, Sion, Switzerland
For info:
Bank: Revolut Bank UAB, Konstitucijos ave.21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania
(Corresponding bank BIC: CHASGB2L)
Online payments
Free payment
Minimum amount: CHF 50.-
Collection fees: CHF 12.-
Down payment
Deposit value: CHF 400.-
Collection fees: CHF 12.-